DEV 101: Intro to Programming for VR & MR
DEV 101: Intro to Programming for VR & MR
Introduction to programming using the software environment of a game engine and its scripting language.
Course Overview: In this course, students will develop programming skills using the software environment of a game engine and its scripting language. Students will gain an understanding for game play, modeling, and programming surrounding VR/MR development. Students will also contrast the creation of original 3D object models for game worlds with incorporation of pre-created generic models. Students will walk away with custom projects for both the Microsoft HoloLens and Oculus Rift. Note: proctored lab availability will be offered at additional times throughout the week.
Dates: Saturdays, Jun 10th - July 15th
Class Time: 9am - 1pm (with additional lab access)
Instructor: Michael House
Student Requirements: No previous programming experience required.